On Race Talks and the Possibility of Silence and Self-Care

On Race Talks and the Possibility of Silence and Self-Care

The connection between race and human suffering is undeniably an American experience, which divides and unites individuals and (racial) groups  in our contemporary society. Race talks with no clear objectives toward forgiveness,  restoration, reconciliation, and transformative justice will not heal our deep racial wound and suffering in this country. As a people, we need to cultivate constructive conversations about our racial problems that are  purposeful and cathartic. 

In our contemporary society, constant unstrategic conversations about racial injustice can be overwhelming and could potentially lead to enmity,  individual oppression, and other health problems. Sometimes,  it is important to just observe the order of things and stay silence for a little while for the sake of self-care. Evidently, we are consumed with unhelpful race talks in this country; frankly, I’m tired because the solution to our racial problems and the crisis of race in America seems to be very far and remote from us.

Nonetheless, silence is not equated with racial blindness, nor does it mean the intentional ignorance of racial matters and unfairness that affect us individually and collectively, both directly and indirectly. My point here is not to make an excuse to those individuals who have always been silent and colorblind on matters pertaining to racial injustice and discrimination. In fact, if you have been a passive observer about these matters, maybe now it is the time to explore the connection between love and justice, and human dignity and hospitality, as these issues may pertain not only to race but other equally important areas and concerns in our lives. Maybe, you should become an active agent of racial healing in your neighborhood, community,  city, workplace,  church, etc.

Individuals who are intentional about meaningful conversations about race matters should first take good care of themselves–at the spiritual, mental, and psychological level. Constructive dialogues about race is not/ should never be about winning an argument by proving that person is a racist or that particular individual is wrong about interpreting our racial history. Race dialogues should aim toward collective healing and unity. 

Perhaps, toward the process of focussing on self care and self rehabilitation, the most convenient action to take about the pain and hurt of race in our nation is to grant yourself the opportunity to withdraw from race talks and to muster up the courage to be silent, even temporarily. 

As you’re waiting patiently for a brighter day and actively working toward a beloved community, do the following without being weary: (1) Pray incessantly for forgiveness, healing, and unity, (2) listen carefully to individuals and families who are hurting and suffering, (3) continue in the path of justice and love, (4) show hospitality to the stranger,  and (5) practice small acts of compassion and kindness toward the poor, the widow, the orphan, the disinherited, and toward the most disadvantaged individuals and families in your community, neighborhood, and city.

The Gospel for Life!

If the Gospel is not good news to radically transform the social, economic, and political order of the day, then it is not a complete Gospel.

God’s vision for the world is not simply his moving action toward the radical transformation of the human heart and the renewing of the mind; his idea of the new creation encompasses everything, including all the wrong doings and oppressive systems and structures free (human) agents have created in this world, through the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. God’s redemptive plan does not simply disrupt spiritual darkness; it interrupts all spheres of life–especially the material world.

The Gospel is a holistic effective story for the global world,  for the global people, and for the global order of things. This is what makes the Gospel the good news!

​God and Nabeel Qureshi: A Prayer to God!

God and Nabeel Qureshi: A Prayer to God!

God: you chose not to heal Nabeel Qureshi and did not alleviate his suffering and pain before he died. However, Nabeel’s incredible suffering on this earth was not meaningless nor were our prayers and intercessions to you to heal him and restore him completely.

God, you decided that death was the healing for your son, Nabeel Qureshi. Although this is painful for us, it is not a tragedy for you O Lord, our Sovereign God. You do what brings pleasure to you and act according to your sovereign will and desire.

Lord, he was so young. Only 34 years old.

Our life is not our own, Oh sovereign Lord of the universe; it is yours. You give us life and take it away when you want to for your glory.

We submit to your sovereignty today and help us to trust you even to our last breath in this world. We pray that you would strength and comfort his wife and their child in this mourning moment.

Lord, we beseech you to fill in this void and emptiness in their heart with Yourself? Would you, O Lord, restore their soul and let them experience your everlasting joy and unconditional loving grace all the days of their life? We inplore you to do the same for their loved ones and friends.

In Jesus Name!


Justice as Accountability

A lot of people don’t want to talk about justice because it demands accountability–both on a personal and corporate level. Another reason is that justice entails the change of behavior and transformative and restorative relationships.

However, one of the most distinguished virtues and coveted attributes of the Creator-God is justice. God is just. He acts justly towards all people and demands that the poor and the brokenhearted be treated with justice and loving care.

God is the exact embodiment of justice and righteousness.  His just character is linked directly to his holiness. Therefore, He has called all people and nations to walk in righteousness and integrity before Him, and commanded all people to practice justice and act justly towards one another.

When an individual fails to exercise justice towards another individual, that person says I’m not accountable to God and anyone else. The miscarriage of justice is a failure of the human heart.

When a nation fails to extend justice towards all citizens, that nation will be under divine wrath and says to Creator-God we are not accountable to you because we are our own masters.

May we be compelled to be a “justice people” and individuals whose justice  is defined as a lifestyle.