What am I doing this summer?

What am I doing this summer?

1. I will be teaching an 8-week course (May-July) at my institution.

2. I will be presenting at a Literature conference in England in July.

3. I will finish working on my revisions for my forthcoming book on Jean Price-Mars (Vanderbilt University Press)

4. Take a short vacation trip to New York (a weekend in June)

5. Summer Reading list: here are the books that I intend to read this summer if the good Lord continues to grace me with good health and mental stability:

a. “Village Weavers” by Myriam J.A. Chancy (Tim House, 2024)

b. “God’s Ghostwriters: Enslaved Christians and the Making of the Bible” by Candida Moss (Little, Brown and Company, 2024)

c. “Spinoza, Life and Legacy” by Jonathan I. Israel (Oxford University Press, 2023)

d. “A Darkly Radiant Vision: The Black Social Gospel in the Shadow of MLK” by Gary Dorrien (Yale University Press, 2023)

e. “Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements” by Malcolm X, edited and with prefatory notes by George Breitman with an introduction by Ibram X. Kendi (Grove Press, 2024)

f. “Towards a Christian Theology of African Ancestors” by Thomas Ochieng Otanga
(Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023)

g. “Inner-City Blues: Black Theology and Black Poverty in the United States” by Darvin Anton Adams (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023)

h. “Dylan’s Visions of Sin” by Christopher Ricks (Harper Collins, 2003)

“Nature in Love”: A New Poem

It’s been a little over three to four months since I have written a poem. Since yesterday, I have been thinking about the intersection of nature, romance, and human connection with nature. I just finished writing this new poem I called “Nature in Love” that explores these various dynamics and themes. It is a poem of three stanzas. Let me know what you think.

“Nature in Love”

Walking a lonely night, in a field where wildflowers sway,
Love blossomed in the light of day while we gazed at the sky.
We felt a sense of connection with celestial hosts, and a gentle breeze birthed nature’s song.
We experienced the healing power of nature’s grace, and a symphony of life filled the air.
A tender embrace at the dance of the leaves sealed two drifted hearts in a harmonious path.

On the other side of the forest, silence reigned supreme, and every shade created a story pure and true.
Underneath the starry sky, we heard our own voices, and we chased our dreams with resilient hope and creative imagination.
Your body, adorned with the tears of the forest birds, revealed the hidden secrets and pains untold.
The tranquility of the night made love a sacred art in every heart.
You and I wandered hand in hand in this vast and wondrous land.

Mountains rose with steadfast grace, the escape gate to a failed romance ensured the kiss of rain upon the earth.
Being surrounded by strange creatures that sustained the past and memory, nature and love joined forces to create the masterpiece of life.
In nature’s arms, we found our place.
In nature’s love, we recreated ourselves.
In every valley, every hill, love and nature will make human presence in the land soft and still.

“Consistent Faith (in God) and Stories of Faith in Moments of Grief”

“Consistent Faith (in God) and Stories of Faith in Moments of Grief”

To be honest, I don’t like listening to stories about people suffering.Yet I know that listening actively to those going through moments of grief and mourning can make us more humane and through which, we are given countless opportunities to grow in relentless compassion and mental maturity.

I have always done my best to emphasize with those who are experiencing seasons of grief and pain in their life. I often try to understand their backstory and their life trajectories so I could engage them in meaningful conversations with a purpose to find healing and provide guidance.

In the past few months or so, I have read various stories by people of faith, especially Christians, on unbearable terminal illnesses; stories about miscarriages and forced abortions; the devastated loss of a baby or a child; the passing of a dear mother or father; the unexpected death of a dear brother or sister; the problem of suffering and pain in life; and stories about disappointment and defeats,  and stories about moments of challenge and darkness in life.

For example, I read a story about a single mother who worked two jobs to pay her car note and rent as well as  to provide for her daughter and put food on the table. She said that I  have been a faithful Christian and never missed a prayer meeting or a Bible study at my church. Yet “God has allowed the car dealer to repossess my car because I couldn’t keep up with all those bills. I have been faithfullly serving him. I just don’t understand why he let that happen.”

I read a story about a young married couple (they have been married for less than three years. The wife became pregnant in the second year of their married life.) who lost their baby while the mother was eight months pregnant. Their grief was unbearable; yet the mother writes, “I love you,  my child. I know that I will see you again in heaven one day when all of us will be united.”

I read another story about a seminary couple. They have been married for about five years. Their precious 7 year-old daughter was going through a difficult time: a terminal cancer. She died at the local children’s hospital while the husband was in a seminary class learning about how to minister to youth and young adults. The young man was studying to be a Youth Pastor.

Yet I read another story about another family of five who were driving home from vacation. A teenager was speeding while driving, losing control of the wheel, and hit the family car. Four members of the family were pronounced dead at the scene.

What surprised me throughout these various stories was how these Christians were still firm in their faith and clinged more to God through Christ. They became more assertive about divine providence and God’s faithfulness in their journey of faith. Although some of them asked God difficult and challenging questions, they never doubt the grace and love of God in the midst of these challenges and moments of grief.

As  I continue to reflect upon these stories of grief and devastated human experiences, I have somewhat become attached to the pain of these individuals, but at the same I am deeply moved by their shared suffering and cry for consolation and comfort from God and others. Listening with care and understanding to others who are grieving and suffering may pave the way towards our own healing and psychological relief.

James Cone and the contemporary American church

Six years ago, I wrote this essay on James Cone and the vocation of the contemporary church in America. As we begin the new year, if you want to hear a fresh perspective and a prophetic voice and message about the role of the church in society, check it out: “James H. Cone: The Vocation of Christian Theology and the Christian Church Today”

Happy New Year to you!

Happy New Year, Good People!

May the good and sovereign Lord guide and preserve you and your family!

May the love of God compel you to produce what is good, lovely, and harmonious!

May you walk humbly before the Lord!

May you grow in knowledge, empathy, tolerance, wisdom, compassion, understanding, humility, and love!

May you practice active forgiveness and participate in the process of reconciliation and unity in your community, city, and in your country!

May you contribute to other people’s flourishing; learn to love all people stronger and intentionally; show hospitality and acts of kindness to strangers everyday; and serve all people!

May you practice self-care, self-reflection, meditation, and have an active prayer life!

May your days be fruitful and your life be prosperous during the new year:2024

Searching for You: A Poem

“Searching for You”

In a world of rejection….
the tears of the moon become thick
The sky is darkened
The universe is sad because of you
Rough winds carry you afar

Sadness fills your shadow
The night devours my soul
The cold wind stings my heart
Loneliness surrounds my body
Longing for a new place to hope
Where the oceans kiss the blue sky

The shattered heart I cannot bear
A bruise that scars my soul
If I ever dream, dream of a new life,
dream of love in the future,
It is okay…it will be with you
If I see destruction and know suffering
It will be okay to suffer with you
If I go to a distant land, full of charm and your memories
You will come with me
Your love is my love

Book Launch Event: “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue”

Book Launch Event: “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue”

Dr. Celucien Joseph is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Book Launch Event: Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue
Time: Nov 26, 2023 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 26, 2023 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

November 2023 Itinerary and Speaking Engagements

November 2023 Itinerary and Speaking Engagements

Those of you who can and know how to pray, say a little prayer for brother Lou for the month of November. I need all the prayers in the world and all the angels in heaven to intervene on my behalf for these interesting speaking engagements. What was I thinking to say YES to all these events and invitations😊😊😊

· Thursday, November 7: I will be giving a paper at the Colloque International sur la Contribution d’Haïti à l’émancipation des peuples (lutte globale contre l’esclavage et la colonisation)/ International Conference on Haiti’s Contribution to the Emancipation of Peoples (global fight against slavery and colonization) on the recent literature on the Haitian Revolution, published in the past decade or so. It is called “Rethinking ‘The Haitian Turn,’ from 2012 to 2023: An Assessment of the Most Recent Literature on the Haitian Revolution in English.”

· Saturday, November 11: I will be interviewing Dr. Pierre St Louis on “Christian Mission and the transmission of the Gospel in Haiti” for the Center for Faith, Reason, and Dialogue (CFRD).

· Saturday-Monday, November 18-21: At the American Academy of Religion’s annual conference (San Antonio, TX), I will be presenting two papers. My first presentation will be on the topic of “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue and the Roots of Religious Disagreement.” My second presentation will be on the subject of “Pope John Paul II, the Haitian Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Bishops, and the Emergence of Liberation Theology in Haiti.”

· Sunday, November 26: I will be moderating the book launch event for my new co-edited book “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue ” (Pickwick Publications, 2023) via zoom. You will get to hear from the other coeditors and contributors of this excellent and much-needed volume.

· Wednesday, November 29: I will be giving a talk to a group of talented College Preparatory students at the Metairie Park Country Day School (Metairie, LA). The title of my talk is “Haitian Vodou and Haiti’s Connections with Louisiana through a common religious and cultural heritage.”

· Wednesday, November 29: Pascal Robert, the host of “This is Revolution podcast,” will interview me on “The Lifetimes and Significance of Jean Price-Mars.”


“Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue” is Published!

Hello Good People!

My new co-edited volume, “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue” is now available on Amazon to order. This is the first book in the English language that attempts to foster interreligious dialogue between Haiti’s two dominant religions. It will not be the first one.

Get it as your Christmas present and get a copy for your friends as well!

Author copies of my new book just arrived!

I am so happy this book is finally out. I’ve worked so hard on this book. In the process, God has been so gracious to me to grant me both physical and intellectual energy to complete this enormous task. Not only have I served as the book’s general editor; I translated three chapters ( 2, 6, 9) in English that were originally written in French. The book has ten chapters. I also contributed a chapter (chapter 10) to the book. In addition, I translated from French the foreword written by the renowned French religious scholar Philippe Martin. (This is not a complaint. I am not afraid to work hard. I am grateful to my amazing coeditors and the brilliant contributors as well as those who have endorsed the book.)

It was all a labor of love. I want both committed Vodouyizan and Christians to live in peace and harmony in Haiti and beyond Haiti, and my desire is for both groups to learn how to be tolerant and respectful toward each other. My prayers is that both committed Vodouyizan and Christians would use religion as a force for nation-building and a resource to maximize democracy in Haiti and its diaspora.

Ten Productivity Strategies

Ten Productivity Strategies

1. Prioritize people in all your work and success.

2. Have a broad vision of life and think about how it relates to the consequences of your ideas and work.

3. Know your strength and use it to inspire and empower people.

4. Do not be ashamed of your weakness; rely on others’ strength to fill in the gaps.

5. Value human relationships and do not mistreat the people you work with or those you depend on to get the work done.

6. Teach others what you know and do your work effectively.

7. Use your knowledge, skills, and talent to change the human condition in your community and in the world.

8. Do not focus too much about what you would like to become in life; rather, be committed to the steps that will take you there.

9. Do not lose a sweat about what people are thinking about you.

10. Be honest, treat all people with respect and kindness, and live in peace with all people.