What am I doing this summer?

What am I doing this summer?

1. I will be teaching an 8-week course (May-July) at my institution.

2. I will be presenting at a Literature conference in England in July.

3. I will finish working on my revisions for my forthcoming book on Jean Price-Mars (Vanderbilt University Press)

4. Take a short vacation trip to New York (a weekend in June)

5. Summer Reading list: here are the books that I intend to read this summer if the good Lord continues to grace me with good health and mental stability:

a. “Village Weavers” by Myriam J.A. Chancy (Tim House, 2024)

b. “God’s Ghostwriters: Enslaved Christians and the Making of the Bible” by Candida Moss (Little, Brown and Company, 2024)

c. “Spinoza, Life and Legacy” by Jonathan I. Israel (Oxford University Press, 2023)

d. “A Darkly Radiant Vision: The Black Social Gospel in the Shadow of MLK” by Gary Dorrien (Yale University Press, 2023)

e. “Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements” by Malcolm X, edited and with prefatory notes by George Breitman with an introduction by Ibram X. Kendi (Grove Press, 2024)

f. “Towards a Christian Theology of African Ancestors” by Thomas Ochieng Otanga
(Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023)

g. “Inner-City Blues: Black Theology and Black Poverty in the United States” by Darvin Anton Adams (Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023)

h. “Dylan’s Visions of Sin” by Christopher Ricks (Harper Collins, 2003)