Searching for You: A Poem

“Searching for You”

In a world of rejection….
the tears of the moon become thick
The sky is darkened
The universe is sad because of you
Rough winds carry you afar

Sadness fills your shadow
The night devours my soul
The cold wind stings my heart
Loneliness surrounds my body
Longing for a new place to hope
Where the oceans kiss the blue sky

The shattered heart I cannot bear
A bruise that scars my soul
If I ever dream, dream of a new life,
dream of love in the future,
It is okay…it will be with you
If I see destruction and know suffering
It will be okay to suffer with you
If I go to a distant land, full of charm and your memories
You will come with me
Your love is my love

Book Launch Event: “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue”

Book Launch Event: “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue”

Dr. Celucien Joseph is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Book Launch Event: Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue
Time: Nov 26, 2023 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 26, 2023 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting:–rqz4iGtM-f0vKv4kT75pHsIKL84I8

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

November 2023 Itinerary and Speaking Engagements

November 2023 Itinerary and Speaking Engagements

Those of you who can and know how to pray, say a little prayer for brother Lou for the month of November. I need all the prayers in the world and all the angels in heaven to intervene on my behalf for these interesting speaking engagements. What was I thinking to say YES to all these events and invitations😊😊😊

· Thursday, November 7: I will be giving a paper at the Colloque International sur la Contribution d’Haïti à l’émancipation des peuples (lutte globale contre l’esclavage et la colonisation)/ International Conference on Haiti’s Contribution to the Emancipation of Peoples (global fight against slavery and colonization) on the recent literature on the Haitian Revolution, published in the past decade or so. It is called “Rethinking ‘The Haitian Turn,’ from 2012 to 2023: An Assessment of the Most Recent Literature on the Haitian Revolution in English.”

· Saturday, November 11: I will be interviewing Dr. Pierre St Louis on “Christian Mission and the transmission of the Gospel in Haiti” for the Center for Faith, Reason, and Dialogue (CFRD).

· Saturday-Monday, November 18-21: At the American Academy of Religion’s annual conference (San Antonio, TX), I will be presenting two papers. My first presentation will be on the topic of “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue and the Roots of Religious Disagreement.” My second presentation will be on the subject of “Pope John Paul II, the Haitian Episcopal Conference of the Catholic Bishops, and the Emergence of Liberation Theology in Haiti.”

· Sunday, November 26: I will be moderating the book launch event for my new co-edited book “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue ” (Pickwick Publications, 2023) via zoom. You will get to hear from the other coeditors and contributors of this excellent and much-needed volume.

· Wednesday, November 29: I will be giving a talk to a group of talented College Preparatory students at the Metairie Park Country Day School (Metairie, LA). The title of my talk is “Haitian Vodou and Haiti’s Connections with Louisiana through a common religious and cultural heritage.”

· Wednesday, November 29: Pascal Robert, the host of “This is Revolution podcast,” will interview me on “The Lifetimes and Significance of Jean Price-Mars.”


“Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue” is Published!

Hello Good People!

My new co-edited volume, “Vodou and Christianity in Interreligious Dialogue” is now available on Amazon to order. This is the first book in the English language that attempts to foster interreligious dialogue between Haiti’s two dominant religions. It will not be the first one.

Get it as your Christmas present and get a copy for your friends as well!

Author copies of my new book just arrived!

I am so happy this book is finally out. I’ve worked so hard on this book. In the process, God has been so gracious to me to grant me both physical and intellectual energy to complete this enormous task. Not only have I served as the book’s general editor; I translated three chapters ( 2, 6, 9) in English that were originally written in French. The book has ten chapters. I also contributed a chapter (chapter 10) to the book. In addition, I translated from French the foreword written by the renowned French religious scholar Philippe Martin. (This is not a complaint. I am not afraid to work hard. I am grateful to my amazing coeditors and the brilliant contributors as well as those who have endorsed the book.)

It was all a labor of love. I want both committed Vodouyizan and Christians to live in peace and harmony in Haiti and beyond Haiti, and my desire is for both groups to learn how to be tolerant and respectful toward each other. My prayers is that both committed Vodouyizan and Christians would use religion as a force for nation-building and a resource to maximize democracy in Haiti and its diaspora.