The Problem with Modern Theology

The Problem with Modern Theology
One of the dangers of identity politics theology is that it focuses less on the spiritual communion of the individual with God, but prioritizes the physical needs of the individual than the individual’s essential need for Christ to satisfy the human soul and the deep longing for healing. Theological discourses framed within this ideological worldview are more anthropocentric than theocentric or christocentric. To express this differently,  the emphasis is on the social dimension of theology and human care.
On the other hand, non-identity politics theological discourses seem to ignore the existential needs and daily struggles of the individual and the group; the priority is put only on the spiritual communion between the individual and God. The spiritual life fulfills the social life, and the social life is divorced from the spiritual sphere. Theological discourses framed within this ideological perspective are deliberately theocentric or christocentric. In this perspective, God or Christ is concerned primarily with the cultivation of a robust Christian mind or the nurturing of the human intellect. In other words, the stress is on the intellectual dimension of theology and the life of the Christian mind.